Started my legal career at the early 80's and my general profile is built on knowledge and well gained experience and legal practice since 1980, as an Attorney at Law with renowned International Legal firms.

We are committed to delivering professional legal services in the Sudan and the adjacent region thereof. We have extensive experience advising and acting for clients on complex and large-scale transactions. Our clients include (Local and international financial institutions, oil companies, investors, International and local non-governmental organizations as well as high net worth individuals). We have good working relationships with law firms in the UAE, Saudi Arabia, South Sudan, Uganda, Ethiopia, India and further afield in the UK and the USA. This global reach – combined with our strong regional presence and international experience – creates a unique legal team that can provide seamless services to our clients.

I Began my diplomatic career at the early 90’s based on good related specialized skills, combined with a solid background in legal practice, International Law and public relations.

I represented my country in several international multilateral bodies, delegations, conferences and diplomatic missions all around the world. During my diplomatic career I was accredited as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of the Sudan to 14 countries around the world.



Decorated on Thursday 11th of April 2013 by Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands as Knight of the Order of Oranjie -Nassau of the Netherlands upon completion of my term of office as Ambassador Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary of the Republic of the Sudan to the Court of Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands.


Served as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of the Sudan to: Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi (2000 – 2005), Russian Federation, Ukraine, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan (2007 – 20010); The Netherlands (2010 -2013) , India, Nepal, Bangladesh, The Maldives and Sri-lanka 2016 -2018).


Acting Under Secretary

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Sudan during the period 2014- 2015

Elected as Chairman of the Governing Council of the Common Fund of Commodities “CFC “, Amsterdam, the Netherlands for two consecutive Sessions (from 2011 until 2013.)

Served as Director, Crisis Management Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sudan. (Jan. 2008 – Oct. 2008.)


Served as Director, Department of Peace & Humanitarian Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sudan. (Dec. 2006 – Jan. 2008.) 


Served as Director, International Law and Treaties Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sudan (May 2006 – Dec.2006.)


Served as Full time Member and Rapporteur of The Sudan National Investigation Commission on the Helicopter Crash that claimed the life of late Dr. John Garang, the former Vice President of the Republic of the Sudan (Aug. 2005 – May 2006.)


Served as Director, African Union Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sudan, (June – August 2005).


Served as Member of the Sudan National Assembly (Parliament) for the constituency of Adeela No. 87, Southern Darfur, and Chairman of the Human Rights and Public Duties Committee and member of the 15 Man Committee of the Constitution of the Sudan (April 1996 – Dec 1999).

Legal career

A current member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) at the Peace Palace of the Hague, The Netherlands, since 2013.


Practiced as Attorney at Law, in the city of Elobied, North Kordofan, the Republic of the Sudan, (1980 –1990).


Practiced as Attorney at law, Member of the Law Firm of Salah El Hegelian (associated with the British Firm Clifford Chance of London) in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia), (June 1981 – June 1990).[During this period, the functions and professional duties involved participation in the various aspects of professional and legal practices including without limitation the reparation of legal memoranda, pleadings, legal and Shariatic advises, affidavits, contracts and agreements, preparation of cases and litigation documents, attending arbitration in the fields of insurance and contract disputes, preparation of corporate memoranda and articles of association, as well as other legal practices relating to negotiable instruments, banking and trademarks etc.]


Practiced as a Visiting attorney with Messers. Whitman and Ransom, Attorneys at- Law, New York, for a period of six months in 1985. The captioned period involved participation in a seminar on the complex topic of Negotiating and Documenting Business Acquisitions and Mergers, Trial Strategy and Revision of Documents to be filed in Court, Conclusion of a Real Estate sale, and lecturing about the Sources and Substantive Aspects of Islamic Law, (June-Dec.1985).


While being a Member of Parliament (the National Assembly of the Republic of the Sudan), practiced law as a private practitioner as an Advocate & Commissioner for Oaths in Khartoum, Sudan (1996- 2000) at the address: Office 329, Albaraka Tower, P. O. Box 13449, Khartoum, Sudan. This office is still operating under the name: Sirajuddin Hamid & Partners, (1996 – 2000).


Lectured at the Sudan Institute for Training and Legal Reform, (1996 – 1997).


Served as Legal Advisor and member of the Board of advisors to the International Muslim Women Union IMWU since 1996.


Served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of National Research and Information Services Co. Ltd “NARIS”, Khartoum, Sudan.


Served as Member of the Board of Directors of Winner Educational Services Co. Ltd. Khartoum, Sudan.


Currently, A Founder & member of the Board of Trustees of BRIDGES SUDAN, a non-governmental Organization active in the field of Public Diplomacy, Khartoum, Sudan.


Appointed as arbitrator in the case of PTA Bank and Concorp Petroleum International. The arbitral Panel gave its final award in 2010 after two years of deliberations.



  • The Inaugural Meeting of the African Union Peace & Security Council, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 25 May 2004.
  • The Fifth Assembly of States Parties to the International Criminal Court Convention (Rome) 1998, The Hague, The Netherlands, November 2006.
  • The International Peace & Justice Conference, Nuremburg, The Federal Republic of Germany, June 2007.
  • The 16th Session of the Conference of States Parties to the CWC, December 2011 and elected as Vice Chairperson.
  • Vice Chair of the 16th Session of the Conference of States Parties to the Convention for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (December 2011).
  • Vice Chairperson of the Executive Council of the OPCW in The Hague, (from May 2012 to May 2013.)
  • The 17th Session of the Conference of States Parties to the CWC, December 2012.
  • The 22nd, 23rd and 24th Sessions of the Governing Council of the Common Fund for Commodities December 2011, December 2012 and December 201 as an elected Chairperson of the Governing Council.
  • The Wilton Park Retreat Conference on the CWC Third Review Conference and after, Wilton park, United Kingdom, (October 2012.)
  • The Third Review Conference of the Convention for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (8-19 April 2013.).

In addition to the above, attended and participated in over 78 international conferences, meetings, symposiums and seminars of legal and political background all over the world.

academics and traininG


1) Magister Legum (LLM International Law) University of Pretoria (South Africa), 2001. (Major subjects of study: Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law, Treaty making, Advanced International Law on Regional Integration, International Criminal Law).


2) Participant at the Twelfth Annual Seminar for Diplomats on International Humanitarian Law organized by the New York University, USA and the International Committee of the Red Cross, held at New York University School of Law from 17-19 January 1995.


3) Participant at the Ninth Annual Seminar for Diplomats on International Humanitarian Law organized by the New York University, USA and the International Committee of the Red Cross, held at New York University School of Law in January 1993.


4) Awarded the Certificate of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) First New York Training Seminar on peacekeeping held at the UNITAR’S headquarters in New York in the period 23-27 March 1992.

5) Sudanese Bar Examination Certificate, October 1979 and Member of the Sudanese Bar Association from 1985 to date and enrolled as advocate in the Sudanese Bar Association under Roll Number 1513.


6) Bachelor of Laws (LLB) University of Khartoum, (Sudan), April 1979.